Debate courses
Duration: 2 months
Language: English, Kazakh, Russian
Frequency: 2 times a week
Duration of classes: 1.5 hours
Group: 6-8 people
Format: online, offline
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What is a DEBATE?
A debate is an intellectual dispute between two parties who defend a random position, not necessarily a personal opinion. Society mistakenly believes that debates are arguments for the sake of arguments and swearing. In fact, this is not the case at all.
Debates are fiery speeches, facts, global issues, like–minded people and loyal friends. This is not only a serious dispute between well-read people. Debates also include fun, team building, hiking, camps, and themed meetings in honor of the holidays.
If you are tired of losing in disputes or want to be perceived as an adult and serious person: argumentation skills and oratorical skills are faithful helpers.
Learn here:
  • Give fiery and structured speeches that will help you listen and believe.
  • Critical thinking, a component of youth education in modern times.
  • Overcome the fear of performing in front of an audience. A person who is confident in himself and in arguments will not be afraid of anything.
  • To build friendly relations with people on a new level, to respect personal boundaries and freedoms.
  • Analyze and build useful habits that will help you replenish your knowledge.
The course includes: the initial theory of debating art, practical exercises, debate rounds, homework, useful resources and constant feedback from the coach.
The program covers the following topics:
- The Concept of Debate
- International School Format, APF, FFT
- Analysis of the topic (resolution)
- Argumentation
- Refutation
- Comparison of arguments
- Practice rounds
- Special exercises to improve critical thinking
- Tips for further development in the debate
- Resources for learning English and replenishing knowledge
What will you get in the courses
Critical and analytical thinking are in high demand in the global market.
New useful acquaintances and improvement of flexible skills (Soft Skills).
Increasing erudition on topics of debate (Politics, Economics, Scientific and Technological progress, social and political movements, etc.).
Debating skills and achievements are a big plus when applying to Universities.
Certificate at the end of the course.
Improve Listening, Speaking and Writing skills in English.
1 month
27 000 tenge
2 month
48 600 tenge
(Instead 54 000)
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